First, let me thank you for your prayers for Riley's lungs. He improved throughout the day, his oxygen level was back down to 49% when we left tonight. The lower number the better. He started the day off at 100% where he had not been for several days. He had two chest xrays today, both showing slight improvement. They will coninue to monitor him with chest xrays until they believe they can remove the chest tube.
He also is back on dopamine and morphine to help with his blood pressure and pain. His blood pressure is returning to desired levels so they may stop the dopamine soon, not sure though. The good news is he continues to accept the milk with no problems and his urine output is good.
When we arrived after shift change tonight, the nurse was checking him out so his incubator was open. It's nice when the top is up so you can look at him without looking through plexyglass (at least I think that's what the material is). I changed his diaper and Hannah, his nurse, decided we should also change his bedding. She asked me if I wanted to lift Riley up and I was very hesitant. I watched her lift Riley up to be weighed the night before and it was nerve racking just watching someone else do it. He has two tubes in his mouth that are elevated above him attached to the back of the incubator. He has a central line coming out of his upper abdomen, another line out of his left wrist, and many sensors attached to his body at various places. Not to mention the fact that he's tiny and swollen. He looked very uncomfortable when she picked him up last night so with the additional chest tube added to all that other stuff, I did not want to pick him up. Reading that sentence again is so weird because I just said I did not want to pick up my son, but he looks so fragile and I don't want to disturb anything that is helping him survive. So, Hannah picked him up and Craig changed his bedding quickly. Riley did pretty good through the whole thing, I was proud of him.
I used this verse to pray today, 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. (John 14:14). I made sure to say "In Jesus name" before I asked God to heal Riley's lungs and his whole body. My friend Debbie sent me a text this afternoon with a prayer starting with "In Jesus name". It makes it real easy to know that God is speaking to you when he uses many different ways.
My friend Rachel gave me great words of wisdom to use when I am feeling down. She said to repeat "Be still and know that I am God, Be still and know, Be Still, Be". This was very helpful tonight. When we arrive at the hospital now, Craig drops me off at the entrance and I wait for him to park the car. Well tonight there was a couple getting ready to go home with their newborn baby. The nurses were going over how to strap the baby in a car seat and you could tell they were a little nervous and listening intently. We've seen couples leaving with their babies before but this time it got to me. I was starting to get upset and I just repeated what Rachel suggested over and over again until I was peaceful. I don't want to go to that place of jealousy and envy. That is not of God, but of the devil. Thank you Rachel for those words.
Please continue to pray for baby Riley's lungs and my milk supply. I started taking some fenugreek to help with the milk issue. In Jesus name, I will have good news for you soon!
Riley thanks you and says keep on praying!
Good Morning,
ReplyDeleteThe Father has taught me to "Rest".
Search the scripture for "entering rest".
The Spirit always speaks to me "Rest Father Rest".
The True FatherGod Spirit is Always at Rest.
It's the false god or opposing spirit / nature, flesh nature that is not at rest.
To speak or invoke "in the name of Jesus" is to call on, call out of the nature or Spirit of the True Christ.